10 Powerful ChatGPT Prompts for Event Managers

5 min read

ChatGPT is your free "Harvard" online event management coach. But 99% of event managers have no idea how to prompt it. Do you want to stand out and become a prompt engineer for online and hybrid events and impress your colleagues and event audience?

AI prompts for event managers

Ten powerful prompts to accelerate your event management skills

  1. Communicate more effectively by getting feedback

Prompt: "Review my event invitation below. Make it as concise and clear as possible and suggest ways to make it even more impactful and compelling for potential attendees."

[paste your event invitation]

  1. Foster greater attendee engagement and participation

Prompt: "I want to drive greater attendee engagement and create a participatory culture on my online event platform. Acting as my event management coach, please suggest a set of practical strategies to achieve this."

  1. Improve your event planning skills

Prompt: "I want to improve my event planning skills. Provide a 30-day learning plan that helps me organize better, more engaging online and hybrid events."

  1. Get actionable insights from thought leaders and event management books

Prompt: "Share the most important event management lessons and insights from the (book [insert book]) by [insert author]. For each insight suggest an actionable way I can embody it."

  1. Receive mentorship from the industry's greatest event managers

Prompt: "Assume you are [insert famous event manager, e.g. Jochen Schweizer]. Consider my event plan below and give feedback as if you were [insert event manager again]."

[describe your event plan] > Need help drafting your event plan?

  1. Enhance your problem-solving skills as an online event manager

Prompt: "Act as if you're my event management coach. Provide a step-by-step guide for resolving [insert an online event management challenge]."

  1. Deliver constructive feedback to your team or client

Prompt: "I would like to deliver constructive feedback to a [team member or client] regarding the below issue. Provide a structured way to deliver this feedback that demonstrates empathy while increasing the likelihood of a positive outcome."

[describe issue]

  1. Take an 80/20 approach to event management development

Prompt: "I want to become a better event manager. Identify and share the most crucial 20% of event management lessons that will enhance 80% of my event management skills."

  1. Use stories and metaphors to powerfully communicate event themes

Prompt: "I want to communicate the theme of our event below. Please suggest relatable stories and metaphors I can use to powerfully communicate this theme and inspire my team."

Event theme: [insert event theme]

  1. Evaluate your event management knowledge

Prompt: "I'm learning about [insert topic, e.g., virtual audience engagement]. Ask me questions to test my understanding. Identify gaps in my knowledge and provide improved answers to fill those gaps."


Why is using AI crucial for event managers when hosting virtual events?

The use of AI in managing and hosting virtual events has become increasingly significant for several reasons:

  1. Automation: AI can automate repetitive and mundane tasks such as registration, ticketing, and sending reminders or follow-up emails. This frees up time for event managers to focus on more strategic aspects of the event. Note that modern event platforms, such as Veertly, are handling this automatically for you already.

  2. Data Analysis: AI tools can analyze large data sets and provide insights that might be missed otherwise. This includes participant behavior, engagement rates, popular sessions, and more. Such insights can help event managers improve future events. Note that Veertly already provides you with much of this information, but AI can still be beneficial in interpreting this data.

  3. Personalization: AI can help provide a more personalized experience for attendees. For instance, AI can suggest sessions or activities based on an attendee's interests or past behavior, enhancing their overall event experience. 

  4. Content Analysis: AI can be used to analyze the content of presentations, discussions, and Q&A sessions, helping event organizers understand the effectiveness of the content and providing insights for future events. This is especially helpful as the presented content should be different, whether for an interactive online workshop, an education webinar, or a session at a virtual conference.

  5. Real-time Translations: In an international event, AI can help translate sessions in real-time, making the event accessible to a broader audience. Veertly is capable of integrating AI tools and interpretation services such as Interprefy.

  6. Safety and Moderation: AI can help moderate chat rooms and Q&A sessions, filtering inappropriate content and ensuring a safe and respectful environment. This is especially relevant for town hall meetings and investor relations events. At Veertly, we are evaluating how to leverage AI to add these capabilities to all our customers.

By incorporating AI into virtual event management, event professionals can enhance efficiency, improve attendee engagement, and gain valuable insights for future events.


Is Veertly using AI to enhance the experience for event professionals and attendees?

At Veertly, we are very fast in adapting new technologies, such as AI, to enable a superior event experience for everyone. Here is a selected list of how artificial intelligence is being used today and ideas we have created internally, how it could be used in the near future:

  • Develop new features and functionalities faster and more robust
  • Support clients and attendees via chatbot
  • Automatic translation of texts into different languages across the whole virtual event platform
  • Propose agenda description and speaker bios
  • Suggest the best date and time to host your next event to have the highest attendance and engagement rate


Do you have ideas on how we can use AI to improve your life as event manager or do you want the help of the Veertly team to organize your next event or conference? Don't hesitate to reach out to us!

Photo by Mojahid Mottakin on Unsplash

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